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PoA Validator Management

30 min

Manage the validator set of your Proof of Authority L1




Load L1

Manage Validators

Validator Dashboard

What's next?

What's next?


The PoA Manager helps you manage your L1's validator set. You can add new validators, disable existing ones, and adjust their weight. This tool is designed for developers who need to maintain their Proof of Authority (PoA) validator set through a simple web interface.

The tool is completely open source and available on GitHub


Before using the L1 Manager, please ensure you have the Core wallet browser extension installed. This extension is required for interacting with the P-Chain.

You will also need to have AVAX balance on the P-Chain to perform validator management operations. If your AVAX is on the C-Chain, you can transfer it to the P-Chain using the Cross-Chain Transfer tool in Core.